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view in croatian
  • 2011
  • 7'
  • beta SP
  • 3D, 2D
  • color

This is a film about identity loss in the totalitarian world of computer technology. In a meeting between a human and an artificial being, we can witness the creation of biomorphic reality.

Branko Farac
Branko Farac
Martina Meštrović, Marko Meštrović
Character Design
Branko Farac
Branko Farac
Sound Design
Boris Wagner
Vinko Brešan, Igor Grubić
Zagreb film, Kreativni sindikat

Branko Farac (1962) began his studies in art history at the Academy of Fine Arts and the Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences in 1987, and graduated in 1990. He has been active as a professional painter since 1984 and has exhibited his work at group and solo shows. In 2003, he directed an experimental short animated film Metahead. He directed his second animated film Transoptic in 2006. Psychomorph is his third film.

Croatian film catalogue

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